Thursday, January 29, 2009

How I got into this Running mess

It started a number of years ago when I needed to go in for surgery on my ear. I needed to have a tumor removed from my ear drum, subsequently various blood tests were performed relative to the procedure. At the time, they discovered I had high blood pressure & high cholesterol. I had the ear procedure done, called a mastoidectomy, where they removed the tumor by drilling through my mastoid bone in my ear to remove the sucker. Unfortunately my ear drum was pierced during the operation, which I now live with reduced hearing in one ear. Shit happens!

Since my blood pressure and cholesterol were noticed, I needed to follow up with my primary doctor for further testing. They stuck my arm for more blood a few times to verify that I have shitty genetics, lack of exercise and poor eating habits.

When I was younger, I was always active and participated in sports and weight lifting, even running on occasion. However, it never lasted long and I soon reverted to my normal unhealthy routines of too much booze, fast food etc. My College years (8 years, crazy I know) were spent perfecting these habits.

Shortly after I had become a father, I said to myself, I want to be a part of my son’s life and not just watch it happen in front of me. I also wanted to be there for my wife and for us to enjoy us seeing our son reach the milestones in his life together. I decided enough is enough and started running.

My running had been on and off for a number of years until I became determined and consistent two years ago. I have managed to loose 25-30 pounds (currently 160) and still successfully maintain that loss. With the help of medicine (because of my crappy genetics) and running, I have lowered my outrageous cholesterol number from 800+ to a normal range of 100 and have my blood pressure under check as well. I watch what I eat, exercise regularly and try to live a healthy lifestyle. As a result, I have more energy, look and feel better about myself and have a confidence that I was lacking before. I feel like a new person and am in better shape at the age of 39 than I was 20 years ago.

1 comment:

  1. GREAT JOB!! That's amazing re: the cholesterol. Your son and wife will definitely appreciate the changes you made to keep you around a lot longer.

